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Focus Ireland


Focus Ireland believes that everyone has a right to a place they can call home. We are driven by the fundamental belief that homelessness is wrong. Wrong because it is a failure of society that creates victims out of ordinary people and robs them of their potential. Wrong because it can be prevented, it can be solved but is allowed to continue and in doing so, undermines society. We need to challenge our society to think and act differently. We are committed to challenging everything about homelessness; the causes, systemic failures, people’s perceptions, and how it is tackled.

Focus Ireland works with people who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes across Ireland. We are driven by the fundamental belief that homelessness is wrong. Wrong because it is a failure of society that creates victims out of ordinary people and robs them of their potential. Wrong because it can be prevented and solved but is allowed to continue, thereby undermining our society. Since 1985, Focus Ireland has been the leaders in tackling the root causes of homelessness and we have ... Read More

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