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Women's Fund


The Women’s Fund has been established by GiveOut to support organisations working to advance the human rights of lesbian, bisexual, trans, and queer women around the world.

Women face particular challenges within the global movement for LGBTQI human rights due to the intersection of their gender and sexuality, especially in countries where the rights of women are limited. As well as this, their organisations receive just 8% of total funding for LGBTQI issues worldwide.

In 43 jurisdictions, private, consensual sexual activity between women is criminalised. And, even where this is legal, LBTQ women are often threatened with violence and arrest. LBTQ women are also affected by gender-based violence including corrective rape and forced marriage, with trans and gender nonconforming women being especially vulnerable.

We want to empower more women to support the global movement for LGBTQI human rights, while ensuring that organisations working to protect the human rights of LBTQ women can access sustainable and flexible funding. GiveOut’s Women’s Fund therefore seeks to enable women and their allies to stand in solidarity with LBTQ women’s organisations around the world.

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