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2020 Tour de Cure: Los Angeles

by American Diabetes Association


The safety and health of people living with diabetes, their families, our supporters and volunteers are our #1 priority. With that in mind, we have decided to host our Tour de Cure® event VIRTUALLY.

The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We are following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health authorities and have decided to change ALL events nationwide to virtual events to include the 2020 Tour de Cure: Los Angeles on 10/18/2020. We will not hold our event at Glendale Community College.

Even though we won’t be hosting a traditional event, our virtual event will be a chance for you to participate with other people in our community – keeping safe distancing rules in place, of course. Prior to event day, we will have fun and engaging ways to connect to our community of supporters.


Ride, Run or Walk in your neighborhood or at home. Walk or Run: around your neighborhood or in place at home. Ride: locally or on a stationary bike. Complete your intended distance and proudly wear red to represent the ADA! Please follow your local social distance ordinances to stay safe.
Share Your Why. Post on your social network WHY you are participating. Are you participating in honor or memory of someone? Are you running, walking or riding to encourage others to live a healthy lifestyle? It's powerful and encouraging - please share a picture, a post or a video using the hashtag #VirtualTourdeCure2020.
Track and Share Your Progress. As you train for the Tour de Cure, share your progress on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram by sharing a live video and pictures. Post your fundraising goal and a link to your fundraising page, too.
Join Our Community! We encourage you to join our Community Facebook Group for all Tour de Cure participants and supporters to stay connected and enjoy our virtual experience together!
Raise More to Raise Mission. More than ever people living with diabetes need our support. Please continue to ask friends and family for donations to support our mission and consider making a personal donation if you are able. Access your Participant Center to get started.
The finish line may be different this year, but our mission is unwavering.

People living with diabetes are at greater risk for complications from COVID-19 (coronavirus) and we continue to advocate and ensure they have the resources they need. Please visit our COVID-19 HUB for the latest information and resources. Visit


Over 34 million Americans are living with diabetes. 88 million people are living with prediabetes, and 90% of them don’t even know it. Every 21 seconds someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with diabetes. We are committed for life to helping those living with this disease thrive. When you join us, you help drive change which includes you making a significant impact on our diabetes community. We can’t do this alone.

The Tour de Cure is a movement offering year-round engagement in our mission. With motivated participants and strong support from the business community, including sponsorship and corporate teams, Tour de Cure events across the country raise funds for research, advocacy, programs and education.



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