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by OutRight Action International

LBQ Connect is a global feminist initiative by Outright International, focusing on enhancing the work and visibility of lesbian, bisexual, and queer (LBQ) activism worldwide. This program is inclusive of cisgender, transgender, intersex, and non-binary individuals who identify with the LBQ spectrum. Its aim is to bolster LBQ movements, support both existing and emerging groups, and raise awareness about LBQ issues and leaders.

The program encompasses four interconnected components:

1. Learning and Mentorship: This element is dedicated to developing the skills and capacities of LBQ activists, offering training, workshops, and peer learning sessions. It includes a mentorship program to foster intergenerational and regional solidarity in LBQ activism.

2. Grant Program: This aspect supports various LBQ-focused projects like forming new groups, strengthening existing organizations, and promoting LBQ agendas in broader movements.

3. Research and Documentation: In collaboration with civil society partners, the program develops research initiatives on LBQ-focused topics, also funding selected participants for their research projects.

4. Advocacy: Utilizing the data and insights gathered, the program aids in forming LBQ advocacy agendas, focusing on raising awareness about LBQ communities and issues, particularly those marginalized and underfunded.

LBQ Connect addresses the multifaceted marginalization LBQ women and non-binary people face, including challenges like misogyny, homophobia, and heteronormativity. These issues often result in unique human rights violations and underrepresentation in various movements and leadership roles. The program emphasizes the need for a robust LBQ movement to advance human rights for all LGBTIQ people and improve women's lives universally.

Overall, LBQ Connect aims for a long-term impact, seeking to make LBQ issues and leaders more visible and central in advocacy work, and to cultivate diverse LBQ women leaders who can serve as role models and effectively advocate for equality.

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