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United Nations Program

by OutRight Action International

Outright International's engagement with the United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights of LGBTIQ people globally. Holding consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Outright participates in UN dialogues, debates, and events, advocating for human rights regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, and sex characteristics. As a co-founder and Secretariat of the UN LGBTI Core Group, Outright collaborates with member states and organizations to mainstream LGBTIQ human rights.

Key activities include:

1. Influencing Global Policies: Outright contributes to submissions and reports to UN agencies and mechanisms, focusing on LGBTIQ human rights, helping to create an essential record of human rights violations.

2. Setting Global Human Rights Standards: Their presence at the UN highlights the inclusion of LGBTIQ issues in global human rights discussions. They participated in the civil society coalition for the Independent Expert on violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

3. Advocacy in Peace and Security: As a member of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace, and Security, Outright brings LGBTIQ leaders to brief Security Council sessions and contributes to humanitarian law and conflict-related UN measures.

4. Advocacy Week: Annually in May, Outright brings LGBTIQ advocates to New York to engage with UN missions and leaders, presenting LGBTIQ community concerns and influencing decision-making.

Through these efforts, Outright International aims to ensure that LGBTIQ rights are recognized and protected in international human rights law and policies.

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