The organisational aim of the Spanish Red Cross is the performance of duties destined to attain the following specific goals:
1. To seek and promote peace, as well as national and international co-operation.
2. To diffuse and teach international Humanitarian Law.
3. To diffuse and teach basic human rights.
4. To intervene in armed conflicts on behalf of all civil and military vic-tims, preparing for this duty in times of peace as an auxiliary part of public health ... Read More
The organisational aim of the Spanish Red Cross is the performance of duties destined to attain the following specific goals:
1. To seek and promote peace, as well as national and international co-operation.
2. To diffuse and teach international Humanitarian Law.
3. To diffuse and teach basic human rights.
4. To intervene in armed conflicts on behalf of all civil and military vic-tims, preparing for this duty in times of peace as an auxiliary part of public health services in all areas stipulated by the Geneva Conven-tions and any other Protocols to which Spain may be party.
5. To care for persons and groups who are suffering, preventing and relieving human pain.
6. To protect and aid persons affected by accidents, catastrophes, dis-asters, social conflicts, diseases, epidemics, collective risks, accidents or similar events, as well as the prevention of the damage they cause, participating in the actions necessary in compliance with the law and the appropriate national and territorial plans.
7. To promote and collaborate in actions of solidarity, co-operation to-ward development, general social welfare as well as health and social services, with special attention devoted to persons and groups faced with difficulties for their social integration.
8. To promote and participate in health programmes and special activi-ties which favour public health by their altruistic nature.
9. To promote the voluntary non-profit participation of individuals and corporations, government and private entities in the activities and sustenance of the Organisation for the realisation of its objectives.
10. To promote the participation of children and youth in Organisation activities. To spread the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement among them, in addition to those of international humanitarian law, basic human rights, and the ideals of peace, mutual respect and comprehension between men and na-tions.
11. To carry out educational actions aimed at attaining the aforemen-tioned goals.
The Spanish Red Cross, within the framework of its organisational object, will be able to carry out any activity related with its specific goals, and in doing so, provide the following services:
- Hospitalisation, health care and rehabilitation, including house calls and mobile units.
- Health transportation and transportation adapted to the needs of handicapped persons.
- Prevention, protection and care in situations of risk, cultural and sport events, beaches and inland waters.
- Marine lifesaving, first aid and care.
- Telephone attention and house calls.
- Education in humanitarian, health, social and environmental areas.
Management of Care Centres, Day Centres, Social Centres and Resi-dences, Emergency Co-ordination Centres, as well as programmes for social intervention.
- Social care for persons affected by situations of need, illness, suffer-ing, margination, disability, etc.
- And, in general, any other type of service that the Organisation may offer for the attainment of its objectives.
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