Join KCA and MIF as we fight for girls to stay in school in Malawi.
Keep a Child Alive (KCA) and the McConnell International Foundation have joined forces to support marginalized girls in Malawi complete their secondary education.
Educating girls is one of the smartest investments we can make to build fairer, more prosperous and resilient societies. Research shows that educated girls marry later, earn more, and have healthier families.
In Malawi – one of the poorest countries in the world - girls from a poor rural household can expect to have only five years of education, instead of the 11 years enjoyed by richer, urban boys.
Secondary education is not free in Malawi. The annual fees for community day secondary schools are currently around 51,000 MK ($50) a year; exam fees, uniforms, textbooks and transport can double that, making the cost of sending a girl to school $150 a year.
The majority of households are subsistence farmers and the average annual income per head is $400, so the cost of a girl’s secondary education is prohibitive for most families.
The global pandemic made the situation even worse for girls. Schools closures led to an unexpected surge in teenage pregnancies and a significant number of girls dropped out of education.
Poverty is the greatest barrier to accessing an education, and entrenched gender inequity means that girls from poor households are doubly disadvantaged.
MIF’s pilot programme, started in January 2022, supports a cohort of 100 girls in Malawi to access four years of secondary education through the provision of scholarships which covers school fees, uniforms and other essential equipment.
The programme prioritises support for girls forced to leave school because of pregnancy or other reasons.
MIF partners with a Malawi women’s rights NGO, the Women’s Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC) to deliver the scholarship programme in two districts: Salima and Balaka.
Working with schools and the local community, they identified the girls, based on strict criteria, and support them throughout the school year.
KCA has already helped MIF expand the programme. The first group of KGIS scholars have received additional support in social and relationship skills, and there will be 200 scholarships for next year.
With your support we can offer even more girls the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Your investment will:
Guarantee a girl’s secondary education.
Mentor her with classes in women’s rights, sexual health and life after school.
Help build a generation of strong women.